
Volunteer Information
Any person wishing to volunteer is required to complete a Volunteer Application each school year, for the safety of our students and staff. All volunteers MUST complete the online volunteer application and be approved in order to accompany the class on any field trip or to volunteer / work with children on campus here. The online application takes less than five minutes to complete and will be processed within 48 hours. It is important to use your legal name and click “Submit” in order for the application to be processed. To complete the process, you must bring your photo id to campus for verification and to be scanned. **You must submit this application every school year.** Don’t forget to check PeachJar for electronic flyers!
Computer Cart Facility Rental
Welcome to your COW launch!
Students have access to technology as a tool to learn more and to demonstrate or show how much they have learned.
Before using a COW, student should learn how to use computers and how to help take care of them so they last a long time for all students in your school.