Principal's Message: Middle
MLA Middle School is a place of belonging and community where every student is valued and seen as an exclusive and essential contributor for our world. We believe that the more a student understands their own strengths, the greater they can flourish. At MLA, we see it as our job to reveal and develop the individual strengths of each student so that they can strive toward their full potential. We believe in ALL students.
Personality tests have described me as an innovator, a captain, an achiever, a lover of people. For 28 years I have been immersed in neuroeducation and the integrative body in learning. I have taught middle school and high school, been an administrator, and superintendent. My passion is to create wider spaces where students have the time and support they need to truly thrive in being their best selves. Seeing students build on their identity, believing in each one, and helping them understand and experience the breadth and depth of their full potential is what drives me.
My office is always open to you. Partnering with parents, community members and stakeholders is essential to our success. I believe in the village and that by pulling together, we can make sure every student has the opportunities and supports they need to fully become.
The great teacher is not the one
who supplies the most facts,
but the one in whose presence
we become different people.
― Ralph Waldo Emerson